Harder Woods founder shares national award
The Dallas Area Woodturners took home top prize in 2002 from the National
AAW Symposium in Providence Rhode Island. The collaborative project
entitled "Hollow Tree Cookie Factory" won first place in the fantasy category and the top overall
prize 'best in show'.
Stan Harder of Harder Woods was a major contributor
of the miniature wood turnings contained in the trunk of the factory.
The entire project is 2 feet tall and the base is 2 feet in diameter. Seventeen members of the
Dallas Area Woodturners that contributed to the project.
Stan made the kitchen tables, most of the bowls and spoons on those tables.
The barrels on the shelf over those tables are actually staved with 20 pieced of mahogany
glued together with colored epoxy to give the black lines between the boards.
Even the eggs in the bowls were hand turned from a holly bush. The two picture frames on the wall were also made by Stan Harder.
In the 'breakfast nook' on the second floor of the factory, Stan created everything on the dining table as well as the spindles holding up the rope railing.
Take note of the triple stuffed cookie wedges the elves will be having for dinner.
click on any of these pictures to see a full sized view.

National Association of Woodturners
photos by Larry Mart.